Classifieds Marketplace
Peoria, IL
GREAT Fixer Upper!! Small, 1 bedroom house. 4 yr. old roof. Good bones!! Original, unpainted oak wood work. Needs handyman looking for good, low cost investment property.
Peoria, IL - $2,200.00
2 CEMETERY Lots in Lutheran Cemetery, Peoria, IL. Side by side. Lower inner circle. Block 35, lot 267 space 1 & lot 268 space 1. Seller will pay transfer cost. $1200 each; both for $2200.
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Pekin, IL - $1,496.00
NEW! 365' Spool of Belden 1220B multi-pair (12 pair) analog audio cable. Excellent for audio snakes/cabling needs for church, business, band snakes between stage/mixer or recording studio/control room. $1496 cash.
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WANTED!! BAKER CLASSIC CARS, INC., E. Peoria, IL, 309-694-7000 is here to purchase your classic & mu ...more
HIGHEST Prices Paid for junk cars, trucks & old farm machinery. Will tow away free. Call anytime, 30 ...more